Agronomy •  2021-05-11

Sortan IS and Lontrel XC, the perfect herbicide pair to protect your corn

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sortan and lontrel XC, the perfect pairing

Always looking to improve their yields and profits, corn farmers in Western Canada are investing in high-performing hybrids with genetics and trait packages tailored to their local fields.

Key to protecting your corn seed investments and capturing high yields on every acre is using advanced crop protection solutions that showcase their strengths.

Sortan™ IS herbicide and Lontrel™ XC herbicide is an example of one such perfect pair. By applying Sortan IS + glyphosate followed by Lontrel XC, today’s farmers can keep their glyphosate tolerant corn fields clean of hard-to-control weeds and get the most out of every acre.

Here are a few reasons why Sortan IS and Lontrel XC ;make a perfect pair:

Early Season Control

Apply Sortan IS with glyphosate from pre-emergence or spike to the V3 stage to remove early season weed competition, including volunteer glyphosate tolerant canola, redroot pigweed and wild buckwheat. This powerful and versatile herbicide delivers extended control of tough broadleaf and grassy weeds throughout the critical weed free period, and provides an additional mode of action to glyphosate, making it a great tool for effective resistance management.

What is the critical weed-free period?

Extensive research has shown that the critical weed-free period (CWFP) in corn is between the VE- V3 (5 leaf) stage. Corn growth and yield are most affected by weeds at this time, so controlling weeds during this period is key to maximizing your final yield. If weeds are present early in the growing season, corn plants play defense and allocate less nutrients and plant resources to their roots and more to the shoots. This causes the corn to grow taller, but it will have a compromised root system and thus a lower yield potential - which is why it is critical to control weeds early.

Clean Fields All Season Long

After controlling early season weeds such as volunteer glyphosate tolerant canola and wild buckwheat with Sortan IS, follow with an application of Lontrel XC up to V6 (8 leaf). Utilizing Lontrel XC will ensure your fields are clean of hard-to-control weeds like wild buckwheat, Canada thistle and perennial sow thistle. Another key benefit of Lontrel XC is that it can translocate down to the roots and clean up other hard-to-control weeds such as volunteer alfalfa, vetch and clover on your fields.

A Proven Combination

The combination of Sortan IS + glyphosate followed by Lontrel XC offers superior weed control during the critical weed-free period in corn and beyond, keeping your fields clean and boosting your profit per acre. Pair both these industry-leading crop protection solutions together to increase yield potential on all your corn acres this growing season.