Chemfallow Weed Control Limits Loss of Moisture and Nutrients

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Fallowing practices have long been a part of Western Canadian agriculture, especially in areas where soil moisture levels don’t support continuous cropping. Chemfallow helps save moisture, nutrients and soil quality, as well as fuel, labour and equipment costs.

Scout often, spray less

Multiple herbicide applications may be needed to keep weeds from growing in fallow fields. Scouting fields often and timing spray applications to control weeds before they appear as green patches above stubble residue, leads to best control and limits the loss of moisture and nutrients.

Any weed is best controlled at an early stage. But you’ll have to weigh the number of times you want to be in the field against spraying at the optimum weed staging. The best timing is often at the same time or just shortly after in-crop spraying. If you wait too long to control winter annual weeds, they may require twice the amount of glyphosate.

Spray chemfallow to get ahead of tough-to-control weeds that otherwise remove valuable soil moisture and nutrients.