Agronomy •  2023-02-21

Take a proactive approach to get the most out of your fungicides

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white mould on stem

Fungicides are a critical crop protection tool. Without effective disease control, crops face the risk of poor plant development, yield loss and reduced crop quality.

It may be too early to predict disease pressures for the coming growing season, but making a proactive plan for fungicide application can help you stay ahead of plant infection, helping you crop reach its full yield potential and ensure continued access to fungicide technologies.

Typically, fungicides are most effective when applied before disease development, or as early as possible once disease has been identified.

Keep these proactive fungicide application tips in mind this year to get the most out of your crop protection products and effectively manage disease threats.

  1. Scouting is your first disease defense tool and is just as important as fungicide application. Frequent scouting is important to observe any risk of disease and make timely fungicide applications. Monitor environmental conditions, crop canopies and for signs of plant infection.
  2. Use fungicides effectively:
    • Select a product with the appropriate effective modes-of-action(s) for your farm. Read the product label and consult your agronomist or retailer to make sure your fungicide has the correct amount of modes-of-action that target your specific problem pathogens.
    • Use the recommended rate, timing and water volume on the fungicide label. Following these directions is critical for product effectiveness.
    • If multiple applications are necessary due to prolonged disease conditions, avoid repetition or sustained use of one product or mode of action. Disease pathogens are adaptable and may develop resistance to repeated exposure.
  3. Implement additional Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies to manage disease pressures, like crop rotation, adequate seeding and fertilizer rates, row spacing and population, proactive and frequent scouting.

Every year, the goal of a preventative fungicide application is the same – prevent spore germination and infection from occurring. Planning ahead is the first step to disease prevention. When it comes to getting the most out of your fungicides, consult your trusted advisors and retailers to discuss product options and availability, develop a rigorous in-season scouting schedule and monitor in-season environmental and disease development conditions.

Looking for more info about how to manage fungicide resistance in crops? Visit Manage Resistance Now.