Tip •  2023-08-29

Harvest safety reminders

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Combine harvesting mature soybean field

Fall harvest is busy. It requires long hours, constantly watching the weather, and plenty of roadway travel between fields. Safety is always a priority on the farm, no matter the season, but here are a few friendly reminders to help you keep yourself, family and employees safe this harvest season. 

Inspect equipment: Make sure all equipment is in good working order before you head out to the field. Do not remove safety shields, roll bars or guards.

Travel safely: Make sure you are easy for drivers to see by using the equipment’s lights and flashers, especially in the early mornings and evenings. If possible, avoid traveling during busy times. And remember, on the road or in the field, stay off the phone to limit distractions.

Take breaks: In order to remain alert during harvest, you can’t sacrifice rest and nutrition. When out in the field, stop equipment operation throughout the day to get out of the cab and stretch. Stay hydrated and pack nutritious snacks to maintain your energy throughout the day.

Sleep: Lack of sleep can slow response time and make it harder to focus. As challenging as it may be, try to get adequate sleep to help you rest and recharge.

Share your plan: Whether you’re working with a team or by yourself, communicate to share your plans and field location in case of an emergency