Infographic: Controlling Volunteer Canola with a program approach

Almost all canola acres in western Canada are seeded to varieties with herbicide tolerant traits.  Canola is everywhere, 20 million acres are seeded annually in Canada.  Since almost all canola seeded today is tolerant to one of three herbicides: GROUP 9 (ROUNDUP READY®), GROUP 10 (LIBERTY LINK®) OR GROUP 2 (CLEARFIELD®), it’s no wonder help is needed in controlling volunteer canola.

With the Enlist Program Approach, a two-pass system that uses multiple modes of action, you can e­ffectively control volunteer canola (resistant and non-resistant biotypes) in Enlist E3™ soybeans.

Check out the infographic below to see our full recommendation for controlling Volunteer Canola with the Enlist Weed Control System.

Controlling volunteer canola infographic 

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