
A Message From Bryce Eger, Corteva Agriscience Canada President

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This is a challenging time for many but Corteva Agriscience stands should-to-shoulder with Canadian farmers.

Hi everyone, Bryce here from Corteva Agriscience.

I hope you and your family are in good health and staying safe.

These are certainly unprecedented times for all of us.

While much of society has halted to a standstill during the COVID-19 global pandemic, I would like to commend our Canadian farmers and those working in agriculture, who even in these uncertain times, haven’t stopped working.

In all provinces where essential workplace orders have been implemented by government, agriculture has been deemed an essential service.

This is a testament to just how important you, Canadian farmers and agri-food production employees are to our society.

You’re relied on for stable, abundant, nutritious and affordable food to feed everybody else.

I want to thank you for remaining committed to preparing for the upcoming growing season.

All of us here at Corteva are doing everything we can to support you in the safest possible way.

To protect our employees and their families, farmers, and our communities, we have put many  important measures in place to do our part to help flatten the curve.

First, we have asked all non-essential staff to work remotely.

In addition to limiting the number of our on-site personal to follow social distancing guidelines, our commitment to ensuring a safe workplace also includes enhanced workplace cleaning, restricting visitors and implementing rotating shifts to limit interaction.

We’ve also asked those with direct customer contacts to follow extreme social distancing guidelines.

Rest assured, however, that Corteva representatives will continue to support our growers remotely through e-mail, phone and video conferencing to eliminate any unnecessary interaction and potential risk.

Our customer service line remains open and we’re still available on social media.

Now, I would like to take a moment to address some of the concerns that we have been hearing about product supply.

First and foremost, I want to assure you that right now, we don’t anticipate seed or crop protection supply disruptions as a result of the coronavirus. 

Our global and diversified supply chain provides us with competitive advantage in this respect.  

We’ve already delivered a significant portion of seed for the 2020 growing season to points of sale for spring planting.

We are also working to secure our 2021 seed supplies and anticipate little-to-no impact on this.

Our Crop Protection Supply Chain and Procurement teams are constantly tracking and monitoring the status of our raw material suppliers, production facilities and logistics movements for all products in the countries impacted by COVID-19.

And finally, I want to alleviate any concerns about pricing…

Our prices have been set for several months and there are no plans to increase them as a result of COVID-19.

I’d also like to recognize the contributions and sacrifices of essential workers on the front lines of this pandemic that are working to keep us safe and have access to essential goods.

Thank you to our healthcare workers, grocery store clerks, truck drivers, sanitation workers and everyone else working in an essential industry.

And to Canadian farmers - thank you for being a customer and a valued partner, but most importantly, thanks you for your commitment to keep growing.

Thank you for watching and please everyone: Stay safe and support one another

Corporate Media Contacts

Canadian Media Inquiries
Kris Allen, Communications Leader - Canada
Phone: +1 403.483.5205
Email:  kris.allen@corteva.com
General media inquiries
Gregg M. Schmidt
Phone: +1 302-996-8368
Email: gregg.m.schmidt@dupont.com