Isoclast™ Active


A New Insecticide Class for More Effective Pest Control

Isoclast active (sulfoxaflor) is the sole member of a new class of insecticides, the sulfoximines, that has been developed for global use in major crop groups to control economically important, sap-feeding pests. The molecule was discovered by and is proprietary to Corteva Agriscience.

A Different Kind of Option

Isoclast™ active (sulfoxaflor) works in a distinct way inside target pests. Because of its novel chemical structure and metabolism in insects, Isoclast represents the only member of the sulfoximines insecticide class, with mode of action Group 4C under the Insecticide Resistance Action Committee or IRAC.2 Isoclast is not a neonicotinoid. Although it’s effective against many of the same insects as neonicotinoids, it works differently than legacy insecticides such as carbamates, pyrethroids and organophosphates. As a result of its chemical structure, Isoclast breaks down quickly in the environment, metabolizing into non-toxic substances in just a few days.

Developed to Enhance Sustainability

With Isoclast™ active, farmers can use less active ingredient on their fields, apply it less often and help prevent resistance issues seen with other products. It was designed to work in a very specific way and degrades quickly after application to pose less risk to field workers, non-target species, and the environment. Farmers need new choices like Isoclast because some legacy insecticides for sap‑feeding insects are becoming increasingly ineffective, while others are being retired from use for many reasons, including due to their environmental profiles.

Proven Profile

Scientists studied Isoclast™ active exhaustively before bringing it to market, going above and beyond regulatory requirements at the time. Studies continue today, ensuring it performs as expected for crops and the environment. When used according to the label, Isoclast presents a low risk to honeybees and other pollinators. It’s approved for use in nearly 100 countries and has been used on millions of hectares of crops.

These comparison photos from field trials show how Isoclast protects produce from insect damage.


What Makes Isoclast™ Active Unique?

Download the Isoclast Technical Bulletin for more details on how this uniquely effective insecticide helps farmers bring more and better crops to market. *As of April 1, 2022.

Selective action against key pests


Isoclast™ active (sulfoxaflor) works in a specific way against specific pests. Isoclast triggers a unique interaction within insect nerve systems and is metabolized differently by target pests than other insecticides. The Insecticide Resistance Action Committee recognized this uniqueness by placing sulfoxaflor in a new sub-group, Group 4C. With this distinct mode of action, Isoclast controls pests that have demonstrated growing resistance to legacy products like neonicotinoids, carbamates, pyrethroids and organophosphates. Isoclast targets only certain insects, reducing impact on beneficial organisms like pollinators and insects that prey on other damaging pests.

Lower use rates and less persistence in the environment

Soybean aphid

Compared to similar insecticides, Isoclast enables farmers to use less active ingredient on their fields and apply it less often to control sap-feeding insects like aphids. Isoclast breaks down quickly in the environment to substances that have no insecticidal activity and low toxicity to honeybees.

Extensively studied for effects on pollinators


Since the very beginning of the development of Isoclast, scientists have carefully studied how this active ingredient affects non-target organisms, including bees and beneficial predatory insects. With many years of research and millions of dollars in investment behind it, Isoclast is backed by an extremely robust database of pollinator studies. Ongoing research, as well as more than ten years on the market and use on millions of hectares worldwide, continues to demonstrate that Isoclast has a favorable profile and low risk to beneficial insects. This includes pollinators and predatory species that naturally keep pest populations low. To date, there have been no reported bee kills from the use of Isoclast.*

Knocking Down Pests to Elevate Harvests

In some specialty crops, fruits and vegetables, the tolerance for sap-feeding pests is nearly zero. Standards are so tight for some crops that the presence of just a single aphid can render a harvest totally unmarketable—a waste of food and resources. Farmers rely on tools like Isoclast™ active to protect the quality, health and economic viability of their harvests. Isoclast provides a new kind of choice for farmers—one that effectively controls costly pests but doesn’t persist in their fields or plants.


Sustainability: Taking a Long-term View of Pest Control

Farmers are incredibly adaptable. Whether they’re cultivating fields of row crops, citrus orchards or acres of vegetables, every farmer takes on new challenges with each season, applying new lessons and ideas to meet them. New discoveries and technologies come along to help farmers do more and do it better. Developing these kinds of solutions, however, means taking a long view—considering not only what is needed today, but what farmers, the food chain and consumers will want for tomorrow. Active ingredients like Isoclast™ active, with lower use rates and reduced environmental persistence, give farmers a forward-thinking choice in pest control that combats today’s issues in the fields with longterm benefits for farmers and their land.

Our Innovation

Isoclast has many characteristics that work toward Corteva’s commitment to advancing sustainable agriculture.

 1“Climate change fans spread of pests and threatens plants and crops, new FAO study.” Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, United Nations. June 2021.

“The IRAC Mode of action Classification Online.” Insect Resistance Action Committee.